Thursday 27 August 2009


So Ben reminded me this morning that i haven´t updated since he has arrived and of course i haven´t let the world know of his great start... After e-mailing back and forth to confirm where we going to meet i told him a very specific bus to get on as it had its own depot. I get a call after he was meant to be there explaining he is on some different bus and then he got bored and got off. I check the abundance of maps i had (3 local ones and 3 from the guide book) to find he is on the very end of the Barrios de Buenos Aires and no other map. A further 3 trains and us both waiting at two different train stations. But somehow we got it to work.

Yesterday we went climbing just outside of Cordoba in a standard that was at least above me, nevertheless it was fun.

We are now in Cordoba as i write, yet we are leaving to Capel Del Monte (i think), a place with ´Lost´like qualities, a funny energy that makes it a draw for hippies and other like minded people, and here we come.

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